richard jolly

The Complete Handbook of Coaching

The Complete Handbook of Coaching

Stokes & Jolly contributed a chapter on Executive & Leadership Coaching to the SAGE Handbook of Coaching. 

UK Business Leaders Feeling the Pressure

UK Business Leaders Feeling the Pressure

Top-level executive burnout rates have never been higher, suggests Richard Jolly, Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School. 

Are You at Risk of Burnout? Here’s What to Do

Are You at Risk of Burnout? Here’s What to Do

About that email you just fired off. Did you really need to send it? What else should you have been doing?

In an era of noisy busyness, the only way to live a purpose-driven life is to stop doing busy work. “But,” I hear you cry, “I’m extremely busy!” That is exactly the point.

Building Personal and Organisational Resilience

Building Personal and Organisational Resilience

Adjunct Professor Richard Jolly’s session explores the personal challenges of coping with the demands of a ‘hurry sick’ lifestyle to ensure that you are focused on your key priorities and building the necessary behaviours and attitudes.

3 Reasons to Stop, Think and Sleep

3 Reasons to Stop, Think and Sleep

Are you looking after your wellbeing? Richard Jolly shares why being mindful of three concepts could improve your work, and your life .

Davos: Mind The Skills Gap

Davos: Mind The Skills Gap

It’s clear that the role of leader is undergoing a tectonic shift. For decades, leadership has been the CEO’s role. But while the brightest and the best leaders at the World Economic Forum are critical to defining issues and policies, there was a feeling that CEOs, policymakers and politicians will not be the ones to solve the world’s problems. It is people from all levels who will bring about change. 

The Paradox of Indispensability

The Paradox of Indispensability

The logic that shapes the first half of your career can leave you trapped in the second half. Managers make predictable mistakes that, despite their technical expertise and stellar performance, can lead high-fliers to fail to rise to the top of organisations. Richard Jolly looks at the paradox of indispensability. 

Our Approach to Coaching

Our Approach to Coaching

An introduction to Stokes & Jolly’s approach to coaching for leadership.