jon stokes

5 Ways to Remove Ego from the Boardroom

5 Ways to Remove Ego from the Boardroom

It’s difficult to lead in 2019. Leaders are under scrutiny like never before. As a society, we are sceptical of leaders’ motives and competence. Why do they want to lead? Are they up to the job? It is not a radical idea to suggest leaders are no longer as powerful as they once seemed.

UK Needs Inspiring – Not Just Charismatic – Leadership to Break Brexit Impasse

UK Needs Inspiring – Not Just Charismatic – Leadership to Break Brexit Impasse

Britain’s destiny is uncertain. The country is in the middle of a political and, arguably, an identity crisis as well. At such a challenging moment it is understandable if people might long for a charismatic figure to lead them out of it.

Why Britain Should Beware of Charismatic Leaders Promising Easy Brexit Solutions

Why Britain Should Beware of Charismatic Leaders Promising Easy Brexit Solutions

The quickest and simplest solution to the chaos of Brexit, apparently, would be to install a new leader – someone with nerve, daring and, of course, charisma. But research into charismatic leadership reveals a number of reasons to be sceptical of these kinds of leaders.

The Complete Handbook of Coaching

The Complete Handbook of Coaching

Stokes & Jolly contributed a chapter on Executive & Leadership Coaching to the SAGE Handbook of Coaching. 

Our Approach to Coaching

Our Approach to Coaching

An introduction to Stokes & Jolly’s approach to coaching for leadership.